Labor again refuses to rule out Queensland power rationing

13 Oct 2017 9:13 AMMichael Hart


Labor again refuses to rule out Queensland power rationing

Thursday, 12 October 2017


  • Annastacia Palaszczuk still supports a power-rationing plan that will see Queenslanders urged to set their air-conditioners to 26 degrees or above to avoid blackouts

  • All Labor MPs voted against a motion to condemn power rationing and air conditioning controls

  • All we hear from Labor when it comes to energy is fear and smear… because they have no idea


The Palaszczuk Labor Government has tonight doubled-down in its support for a summer power-rationing plan that would see Queenslanders urged to set their air-conditioners to 26 degrees or above to avoid blackouts.


All Labor MP’s voted against a motion by the LNP to condemn power rationing and air conditioning controls on Queenslanders.

LNP motion: This House condemns the Palaszczuk Government for its Summer Preparedness Plan asking Queenslanders to put their air-conditioners to 26 degrees or above to avoid blackouts.


LNP Shadow Energy Minister Michael Hart said Labor has hit a new low by asking Queenslanders to ration their energy use and keep their air-conditioning at 26 degrees – simply to prop up their headlong rush to renewable energy.


“What have we come to when Annastacia Palaszczuk is telling Queenslanders to ration their electricity use and set their air conditioning to 26 degrees?” Mr Hart said.


“Government frontbencher Glenn Butcher confirmed summer blackouts under Labor were certain and justified their power rationing plan, saying in Parliament it prepared for:

“…these possible emergencies that are coming.


“Instead of making sure there’s enough power to go around, Labor’s pointed the finger at Queenslanders and telling them they need to do more.


“There’s not a struggling family or small business in Queensland who isn’t already doing everything they can to conserve power because of the Palaszczuk Government’s record high power prices and secret energy tax.


“Queenslanders work hard all year to take a Christmas break, enjoy a few cold prawns, a dip in the pool, check out the cricket on the TV and maybe take a nap in the air conditioning.


“All that’s under threat from a State Labor Government that can’t even ensure that when you flick the switch the lights are going to come on this summer – it’s appalling.


“Queenslanders are paying the highest power prices ever, but are still being told to expect summer blackouts. They deserve better.”


Media contact: Jane Paterson 0417 281 754


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