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28 Jul 2016 1:41 PMMichael Hart
No business case and no staff for Energy Queensland
Thursday, July 28 2016
Estimates reveals new merged entity Energy Queensland has no staff
No business case exists for new energy services business
More questions than answers on Palaszczuk Government’s mismanaged energy merger
Lack of planning by the Palaszczuk Government has left Queensland energy workers in the dark over their future, it was revealed during Budget Estimates hearings today.
Shadow Energy Minister Michael Hart said Labor still couldn’t tell workers how many staff would ultimately be transferred into Energy Queensland, or how many staff would be rolled into the new Energy Services Business that would compete directly against mum and dad contractors for work.
“We found out today that there isn’t even a business case for new energy services business, despite it being a key part of the merger process,” Mr Hart said.
“We asked questions today on the number of staff to be transferred into Energy Queensland, the number of staff to be relocated to the new headquarters in Townsville and the number of staff that have to be relocated as a result of this merger – we didn’t get a proper answer to any of those questions.
“This is typical of the Palaszczuk Government, making it up as it goes and refusing to face the consequences.
“It’s particularly worrying Labor still can’t tell mum and dad contractors how many staff will be transferred into the new energy service business that will compete directly against them for work.”
Today’s revelations come almost a week after Treasurer Curtis Pitt was forced to admit the savings from merging state-owned businesses Ergon and Energex were significantly lower than previously claimed.
“The identified total savings of $187 million are far lower than previously claimed by the Treasurer and he’s finally been forced to admit the truth,” Mr Hart said.
“This entire process has been mishandled by the Palaszczuk Government from the start, and not only has the government been caught out grossly overestimating the benefits of the merger, they’re unable provide any details on the make-up or structure of Energy Queensland.
“Today’s revelations are proof of the Palaszczuk Government’s sloppy administration and Queenslanders deserve better.”
Media Contact: Kate Haddan 0437 334 769